Save the Dates! The Activities Committee is already busy planning the SVPORC Annual Clean-up Day in June and the Annual Children's Fishing Derby scheduled for July 12, 2025! If you're interested in volunteering or donating to one of the events, please email
Check back soon to learn about these events as well as other 2025 events in the works!
Spring Valley Cookie Social - December 15, 2024
Spring Vally members came together came together for the annual event to celebrate the holiday season and enjoy favorite cookies to share with neighbors. Santa Claus was a special guest and enjoyed meeting all the children and hearing about thier Christmas wishes! Thank you to all neighbors that attended the holiday festivities!
Spring Valley Fall Festival - October 20, 2024 - Thank you to all that participated!
SVPORC members celebrated on October 20th at Fall Festival. Activities included a Chili Cook-off, Trunk or Treat with treats and prizes, and a campfire with smores for kids of all ages to enjoy!
Free Family Game Night - Friday, Sept 6, 2024
Another family fun Game Night was held on Friday, Sept 6, 2024, 6:30 pm at Burgess Lake Pavilion. All SVPORC members were invited to attend at no cost and join in on the fun! That you to everyone that attended and enjoyed a great evening with neighbors.
2024 SVPORC Annual Members Meeting - August 24, 2024
SVPROC's Annual Members Meeting was held on Saturday, August 24, 2024, at 9:00 am at Lake Burgess Pavilion. Thank you to all members that attended and participated in some great and timely discussions! It was great to meet new neighbors and see so many get involved on committees.
2024 Terry Harris Memorial Children's Fishing Derby - July 13, 2024
Thank you to all who attended and supported this year's Derby! A big thank you as well to the Activities Committee for all their work in planning a great event! This year's event was very successful with many donors, contributions, volunteers, and families participating!
Bingo Night - June 21, 2024
The first family Bino Night was hosted by the Activities Committee and went great! It was an enjoyable evening spent with neighbors while having lots of Bingo fun. Thanks to all that came to enjoy the evening!
Spring Valley Annual Clean-up Day - June 8, 2024
A big THANK YOU to all neighbors that came out on Saturday June 8th to help clean up the Pavillion and Lakes area and support efforts. We appreciate your time and help in keeping our community areas looking beautiful! It was a great morning and well attended by many. Thank you again to all!
Spring Valley Game Nights - Fridays, March 1 & May 3, 2024
The SVPORC Activities Committee held neighborhood Game Nights. Thank you to all that attended and enjoyed a fun evening with neighbors!
Holiday Cookie Exchange and Social - Sunday, December 3, 2023
The 2nd annual event was held on December 3 from 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm at the Pavilion for Spring Valley residents to enjoy the holidays and meet new neighbors.
Annual Trunk or Treat - Saturday, October 28, 2023
Spring Valley held its annual Trunk or Treat event on Saturday, October 28,2023 from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm at the SVPORC Pavilion and included decorated cars handing out candy, Monsters to take pictures with, hot apple cider, and other treats. Thank you to all that attended and joined in on the fun!
2023 SVPORC Annual Meeting - Saturday, July 29, 2023
Thank you to all members that attended the annual meeting! We had a great turnout with valuable updates provide and great conversation around important areas of interest. Thank you as well to the Water Board for attending and providing updates. This was a beneficial addition to the agenda. And another "thank you" to all the volunteers that have made this year a productive one! Many of our neighbors give countless hours serving on the Board, Fish Patrol, committees, helping keep our community grounds and pavilion taken care of, as well as many others who step in when needed to volunteer for activities, clean up days or even to help fellow neighbors. Everyone's time and efforts are greatly appreciated!
Terry Harris Memorial Children's Fishing Derby - Saturday, July 8, 2023
Another very successful Children's Fishing Derby was enjoyed by all on Saturday, July 8, 2023! Thank you to all attendees, participants & families, volunteers, those that donated items, the Activities Committee and Board of Directors that made this year's event a fun day to remember.
SVPORC Fly-Fishing Clinic: A fun and successful event! - Saturday, July 1, 2023
Thank you to all that came out for an afternoon of fun and education at the July 1, 2023, Fly-Fishing Clinic. The event was a huge success with lots of positive feedback! Thank you as well to Spring Valley resident and clinic instructor Kenny, the Activities Committee and Board of Directors who provided lunch for all attendees.
Community Clean-up Day - Saturday, June 10, 2023
What a wonderful turnout for our annual Spring Valley community clean-up day! It was a great morning spent with neighbors with great progress made. Thank you to everyone that came out and participated towards keeping our community common areas looking beautiful! Your time and contributions are greatly appreciated!
Holiday Cookie Exchange & Tree Lighting Social 2022 - Sunday, December 4, 2022
Thank you to all that attended the holiday social. It was good to see so many happy faces, connect with everyone and meet some new neighbors. Everything looked so festive, and the cookies and hot cocoa were delicious. Thank you to the Spring Valley Activities Committee and volunteers for coordinating this wonderful gathering.
Annual Trunk or Treat 2022
Thank you to all that participated in Trunk or Treat on Oct. 22nd. The smiles on the children and adults were wonderful to see. The dogs were a highlight as well. We even had donations of candy from members that could not come. The large wooden monsters offered a great picture taking opportunity. A good time was had by all!
BBQ Smoke Off, 2022
Due to a lack of availability for competitors and not enough volunteers to host the event, we are sorry to say that the Fall Smoke -Off is canceled. We will attempt again in June of 2023.
Kids Fishing Derby, 2022
Hello to all of our amazing Spring Valley Neighbors! The 2022 Fishing Derby was absolutely awesome this year and we would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to all that attended and also to the incredible volunteers and people that donated!! The support and participation is so greatly appreciated!!
In summary, we had a total of 67 wonderful fisher-kids with a total of $1355.30 raised in Registration, Meal Tickets and Donations! Our community is simply AWESOME! Thank you all so much! There is so much work behind the scenes that goes into prepping for an event like this, but the end result is nothing short of rewarding. We can honestly say that lifetime memories were made that day and we look forward to seeing everyone next year! Until then, we are also looking forward to seeing everyone for the 2022 Smoke Off on September 17, 2022 which is also a major fundraiser for our annual fishing derby! Thanks to all again for a wonderful turn out and to all of our volunteers and donators!
Clean-up Day 2022 - Saturday May 14, 2022
Our Annual Clean Up Day was a success, and we truly appreciate all that came out to help! The lakes and pavilion look beautiful as always and as they say, “It Takes a Village” and our little village really came through.
Trunk or Treat 2021 - Saturday, October 23, 2021
Trunk or Treat was great this year, thank you for all those that participated. At the beginning there were more adults playing than there were kids. It was great to meet so many new residents and give their kids sugar and send them home.... P.S. sorry about that...
Fall Get-Together 2021 - Saturday, September 11, 2021
Good food and fun, thanks to those that were able to make it. It was great to see everyone and meet some new faces!
Kids Fishing Derby - Saturday, July 10, 2021
The 2021 Kids Fishing Derby was a wonderful success! We are so grateful for all of the wonderful volunteers, donations and support. There was a total of 61 kiddos registered, 87 fish caught, including three golden trout.
Months, weeks and days before the Derby volunteers and donors shopped, prepped and cooked for the event. We are so grateful for all of the hard work and contributions.
Derby registration, donations and meal ticket sales raised $490.00, raffle ticket sales and the silent auction raised another $560.00. We so appreciate the generosity and support. These monies will go towards the 2022 derby fund. Looking forward to the 2022 Kids Fishing Derby!
BBQ Smoke-off - Saturday, June 12, 2021
The 2021 BBQ Smoke Off was a huge success! The weather cooperated except for the hurricane force wind gusts that would sporadically come through. The Pitmasters set up the evening prior to begin working their magic. We would like to thank everyone that came out Saturday June 12th to share their weekend with us and support the Spring Valley BBQ Smoke Off and Kids Fishing Derby Fundraiser.
A bit of history about the BBQ Smoke Off, it started 7 years ago with some trash talking amongst friends about who the best Pitmaster really is amongst us. The competition evolved into a fundraiser for the Spring Valley Kids Fishing Derby. Then some donations came in for "maybe a Silent Auction" to hold during the Smoke Off. Today the BBQ Smoke is dove tailed with a Silent Auction that raises monies for the Kids Fishing Derby. The Silent Auction donors are Spring Valley residents and friends that are wonderful artisans that are very creative and generous. Still in awe at how this event has evolved and grown. So much more to come.
This year the BBQ Smoke Off raised the following:
Pay to Vote & Donations $ 965 / Silent Auction $ 1,407 / Total $2,372 - STAGGERING!
These funds will be used towards the 2021 Kids Fishing Derby for port-o-potties, raffle and entrant prizes and lunch. Now, for the BBQ Smoke Off winners...
Pork Butt - First: Shane, Second: Jeff, Third: Team Chaney.
Baby Back Ribs - First: Team Chaney, Second: Shane, Third: Roni
Luck of the Draw/Open Class - First: Team Chaney meatballs, Second: Team Chaney pork belly, Third: Roni Chicken.
We want to thank everyone for coming out and supporting this event. See you at the next one!
Trunk or Treat - October 24, 2020
Trunk or Treat took place Saturday, October 24, 2020, 2pm - 3pm in the Pavilion parking lot. We had around 10 vehicles decorated, and things worked great with the social distancing. Thanks to all that participated!
Fall Get-together, 2020 - CANCELLED
Enlight of Divide Fire cancelling the Pancake Breakfast this past weekend and the City of Manitou Springs cancelling the upcoming Coffin Races, the Spring Valley Board of Directors has voted to cancel the Fall Get Together scheduled for 9/12/20. It was decided it would be prudent to emulate this agency and municipality and cancel gatherings. Hopefully this fall and winter, things will settle and new ways for us to gather a a neighborhood can evolve. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this time.
Kids Fishing Derby 2020 - CANCELLED
Due to the current public health order and Teller County Variance, we will be cancelling this event. In talks with the Teller County Health Department, this event is being considered a "festival" and does not meet the requirements of the current variance. We are sorry to have to cancel this as it is such a great event that we look forward to every year. But we are also needing to comply with the rules and now have no time to plan for the great event. Just think how much bigger the fish will be next year!
SVPORC Annual Meeting - August 22, 2020
Fish Stocking - July 6, 2020
Fish stocking went great on July 6th. Due to the postponement of the Fishing Derby, we put 12 Palomino (Golden) Trout in the big lake, Burgess Lake. Figured they would have a better chance hiding from the King Fisher that frequents Potty Pond. In addition 40 Grass Carp and the Rainbow Trout made up the rest. We did stock in Potty Pond, Shadow and Kiddie Pond as well.
Cleanup Day - May 16, 2020
The Spring Valley Cleanup Day was great! Thanks to all the hands on. Tables were re-painted, kiosk was rehabbed and Dam maintenance, an ever so important effort. Even had a young man helping with the concrete work on the island, thus the hand prints. Thanks to all those that helped.
Fish Stocking - May 6, 2020
Fish Stocking came off without a hitch. Thanks to those that did join us, but also thanks to those that did not. Sorry there were no coffee and donuts, but it was fun to see the fish go in and to meet some new Members. The Rainbow Trout totaled 815 lbs in the lakes and ponds. Just like with most things, price keeps going up. But we are trying to keep the fishing fee the same. As things progress, we may have to change that. But for now, there is no increase in fishing dues. While we would like to get a diversified fish population, Rainbows are about all we can get right now. Don't worry, there are still Browns, Cut-bows, Snake River Cut-throat and Brook. Best of luck this fishing season.
Trunk or Treat - Saturday, October 19, 2019
Thanks to all that participated this year. We had 18 vehicles decorated this year, outstanding!
Fall Get-together - Saturday, September 14, 2019
Thanks to all that joined us! All of our thanks for great food and great neighbors!
Kids Fishing Derby - Saturday, July 13, 2019
The Terry Harris Memorial Children's Fishing Derby went great this year!
2019 BBQ Smoke off and Derby Fundraiser - Saturday, June 16, 2019
Despite the rainy weather that rolled in uninvited the BBQ Smoke Off and Derby Fundraiser was a wonderful success. There were 3 contestants in the BBQ Smoke Off - Jeff Perry, Vanessa Kilik and Roni Gordon. Each contestant smoked a beef brisket, baby back pork ribs and an item of their choice.
The Silent Auction and donations raised $1,400 for the Kids Fishing Derby.
Smoke Off Vote Results... Beef Brisket: Jeff 21, Roni 26, Vanessa 6. Ribs: Jeff: 12, Roni 28, Vanessa: 10. Smoker's Choice: Jeff (Stuffed peppers with cream cheese and smoked chicken) 11, Roni (Smores in mini sugar cones) 18, Vanessa (Mac and Cheese) 22 - Overall winner: Roni. Good soggy time was had by all. We greatly appreciate everyone that showed up in the crazy rainy conditions.
Spring Clean Up and Fish Stocking - May 5, 2019
While turnout this year was a bit lean, those that came to help out sure made a big difference. We installed new signs for the lakes and common areas and performed general cleanup around the pavilion. An area had been identified on the trail between the Pavilion and the dam that needed more "material" and the area is soggy and muddy. We purchased 8 tons of gravel that was hauled from the parking lot via wheel barrow and ATV Trailers. We spread and compacted the areas and it appears to have stabilized them. Lunch was provided to the hard working volunteers that make this all happen. As always, Volunteers are what we depend on and those that helped, it is sure appriciated.
2019 Spring Valley Clean Up Day - Saturday, May 18, 2019
The 2019 Spring Valley Clean Up Day was a wonderful success. We greatly appreciate all of the volunteers that showed up prepared to work hard. The dam for potty pond and the big dam were gopher treated and reseeded. All of the picnic tables and benches at the Pavilion were repainted (between rain and grapple). The shed and port o let shelter look brand new thanks to the fresh coat of paint. Thanks to our donut runner and lunch cooks and servers, the volunteers were well fed and taken care of. Leaps and bounds were made in boat registration too. We had a couple of folks show up early to help out as they had another commitment to get to but really wanted to help out the neighborhood, we appreciate you fitting us in. Spring Valley depends on it's wonderful volunteers!
2018 Fall Get-Together - Saturday, September 15, 2018
The Spring Valley end of Summer Get to Together was so much fun to catch up with everyone. People broke out the poodle skirts, wild hair and leather jackets because "Happy Days" was here again. We had a 50's Diner Party Diner themed food that was incredible! And the pies, and board games that followed were great fun.
2018 Terry Harris Memorial Children's Fishing Derby -Saturday, July 14, 2018
The Terry Harris Memorial Children’s Fishing Derby held July 14, 2018, was a huge success. We had record attendance-128 kids registered! The weather cooperated and we were spared the typical July thunderstorms and rain showers.
The Kids Fishing Derby is the highlight of the summer for Spring Valley residents and their families and friends. An event like this does not happen without generous donors. Let’s rewind back to the Spring Valley BBQ Smoke Off and Derby Fundraiser held June 16, 2018. At the Smoke Off a Silent Auction was held and $875 was raised. All of the items for the Silent Auction were donated by Spring Valley residents, many of which are very talented artisans. The weeks preceding the Derby the financial donations poured in, these donations help keep the registration fee for the Derby and the meal tickets at a nominal fee. We are also able to afford luxuries like extra Port-o-lets for the Derby. Many generous donations were received for the raffle prizes as well, donations for the raffle are greatly appreciated and helped raise $920 in raffle ticket sales. The donations and financial assistance keep the Derby a self-sustaining event and allow it to be an annual occurrence.
The back bone of the Derby and the Smoke Off are the volunteers. The hardworking volunteers contributed innumerable hours of their time and equipment to make these events take place and go off without a hitch. Many shared their talents and expertise, along with their tables, canopies, chairs, etc. Whether it is the set up teams, lunch crew (that fed approximately 230 people in an hour at the Derby), the money takers at the Smoke Off and Derby registration workers, raffle table managers, ice and donut go getters, Silent Auction proctor, Derby announcer, Fish Weigh station laborers, Derby rule posse (to ensure everyone has a good time) and last but not least the clean-up squads, the volunteers prove once again “many hands make light the work”. The outpouring of volunteers is heartwarming and puts a big goofy smile on ones face. Thank-you donors and volunteers!
Now back to the 128 kids and the fishing. There were 72 boys and 56 girls registered. The boys caught 54 fish and the girls caught 28. Three golden trout were caught, all by girls. Of the big fish that were put in for the derby 3 that were greater than 20 inches were caught, 2 of those were more than 4 pounds. The Derby winners had their fish preserved by Wild West Taxidermy. Kiddos registered for the derby received a one of a kind 2018 Spring Valley Kids Fishing Derby water bottle. A good time was had by all. Let the countdown begin to the 2019 Derby!
2018 Spring Valley Smoke Off and Derby Fundraiser - June 16, 2018
Despite the Teller County Stage 2 Fire/Burn ban the event prevailed. After 2 weeks of negations with the Sheriff’s department our request for an exemption was denied. We were informed we could have smokers in a permanent structure. The four competitors fired their smokers in the Pavilion. That structure will have the best smell EVER! thanks to this restriction.
Head count and ballot bags sold reflect 90+ people enjoyed some mighty fine food. The Silent Auction $875 raised. In total $1366 was raised for the Kids Fishing Derby!
2018 Smoke Off Winners... Ribs- 1st: Jeff, 2nd: Vanessa, 3rd: Roni / Pork Butt - 1st: Roni, 2nd: Vanessa, 3rd: John / Smokers Choice - 1st: Jeff, 2nd: John, 3rd: Roni / Overall - Jeff (he won the most 1st place medals), Roni won more medals than anyone, placing in every category.
Spring Clean Up and Fish Stocking - May 5, 2018
While turnout this year was a bit lean, those that came to help out sure made a big difference. We installed new signs for the lakes and common areas and performed general cleanup around the pavilion. An area had been identified on the trail between the Pavilion and the dam that needed more "material" and the area is soggy and muddy. We purchased 8 tons of gravel that was hauled from the parking lot via wheel barrow and ATV Trailers. We spread and compacted the areas, and it appears to have stabilized them. Lunch was provided to the hard working volunteers that make this all happen. As always, Volunteers are what we depend on and those that helped, it is sure appreciated.
Fall Get Together - Sept. 16, 2017
Great turnout, food was awesome. Thanks all for your involvement.
2017 Terry Harris Memorial Children's Fishing Derby - Saturday, July 8, 2017
Everything went great at the event. 92 kids registered! The fire and flooding has subsided and we are starting to see more and more show for the event. 4 Golden Troute were caught, all by girls, what is going on with that guys? We didn't have any big lunkers, but it seemed like everyone had a great time.
Thanks to all of those that helped out with the event! We can't do it without you, and it is much appreciated.
2017 BBQ Smoke Off and Derby Fundraiser - Saturday, June 17, 2017
We had 6 entries in the Smoke Off competition with some amazing food. Between the $5 per plate to eat and vote and the silent auction, we raised close to $900.00 for the Kids Fishing Derby! Congratulations to all the competitors and to Mr. Perry for taking home the trophy with his Texas style smoked meats.
2017 Spring Clean-up Day - Saturday, May 6, 2016
We had a lot of great help for clean-up day! Worked on the trail, volleyball court,
2016 Trunk or Treat - Saturday, October 15, 2016
Come dressed up and your trunk or pickup bed decorated and don't forget candy for the kids. Kids are welcome to the goodies from 6:30pm to 7:30pm, so if you need time to set up, you can always get there a little early.
2016 Terry Harris Memorial Children's Fishing Derby -Saturday, July 9, 2016
The annual Terry Harris Memorial Children’s Fishing Derby was a great success. Hooks hit the water at 9am.... A Barbeque Smoke Off and Derby Fund Raiser was held in June. At that event, besides the great food, there was a silent auction which raised $1,000 for the Derby. In addition, monitory donations from local residents, local businesses donating raffle prizes, Colorado Parks and Wildlife donating goodies for the kids registration bags and Colorado Tackle Pro out of Colorado Springs donating fishing poles to the kids at registration along with many raffle prizes made the event complete. The Kid’s Fishing Derby had Seventy-six children registered this year and 81 fish were caught. The girls caught the most fish. Seven golden trout were also caught. Each child that catches a golden trout gets $10 and a picture taken with their fish. At the Fishing Derby, $1,098 was raised. That brings the total raised for next year’s Fishing Derby to $2,098.
Like any great event here in Spring Valley, it doesn’t happen without many wonderful volunteers. The morning of the Derby there was a huge outpouring of volunteer help, 15-20 Spring Valley neighbors showed up early that morning to clean and prepare the Pavilion, set-up canopies at Potty Pond and set up the Registration and Raffle tables. Many hands make light the work and that morning proved it! The volunteers continued to help throughout the Derby by serving lunch, selling raffle tickets, cleaning up after lunch and then the break down and clean up after the Derby. We cannot do it without all of the wonderful help, you are much appreciated. Thanks for your part in making it a great day for the kiddos.